Reyaan's cake smashReyaan was such a fun model to work with at his cake smash! He was not impressed to begin with but once he tasted the cake he loved it! Great job Mummy, your chocolate cake saved the day! #cakesmashsydney, #cakesmashrichmond, #cakesmashhawkesbury, #cakesmashagnesbanks,#cakesmashhawkesbury, #cakesmashpenrith
Reyaan was such a fun model to work with at his cake smash! He was not impressed to begin with but once he tasted the cake he loved it! Great job Mummy, your chocolate cake saved the day! #cakesmashsydney, #cakesmashrichmond, #cakesmashhawkesbury, #cakesmashagnesbanks,#cakesmashhawkesbury, #cakesmashpenrith