Baby Ivy
It always makes me so happy to have my clients come back to me especially when they bring a new baby. It is one of my favourite aspects...

Baby Liliana
Baby Liliana was a perfect little cherub! I seriously could have kept her forever, she was so good to me! And what a cutie was she. Thank...

Baby Amyrah
Baby Amyrah came to me when she was already one month old. This is a very tricky age but Amyrah was just perfect! Not only she gave me a...

Baby Amarni
Baby Amarni was born in full make up. If you scroll down you will see Amarni needs to eye mascara or lip liner. Also her hair are ready...

Baby Nina
11 days old Nina was one of most alert newborn babies i have worked with. With 9.05 Ib of squishy baby body she was an absolute...

When I heard baby Scarlet was coming I immediately through - she must be a beauty. Just like that movie actress she was named after. And...